If you’re not using email marketing to regularly communicate, you’re leaving money on the table. Attracting a new client, one that has no connection to your law firm, is far more expensive than getting repeat business from a former client. Given that, why wouldn’t every experienced lawyer start with email marketing before any other kind?
What’s the greatest benefit of marketing to those you’ve served? Trust.
Think about your favorite service provider, perhaps your CPA or physician. The longer you’ve been a client, the more positive the interaction, the greater the problem solved, the more trust you place in him or her. You would be far more likely to return to that provider for the following year’s tax return or annual physical than you would to a complete stranger.
The same holds true for lawyers, regardless of practice area. If you’ve helped an abused spouse in an ugly divorce, kept a father out of jail, helped a widow through the probate process, or guided a small business person through bankruptcy, you know how deep the gratitude can run. There are few better sources of business than a satisfied client.
Unfortunately, gratitude is quickly forgotten. How many former clients needed an attorney and used a competitor because they “forgot about you,” or, “didn’t know you did that”? How many referrals have you lost for the same reason?
Email marketing helps solve that problem. By staying in front of those who are most apt to refer you business, you stay top of mind. Send your email no less frequent than once a month, no more than once a week. At whatever frequency you decide, make sure to do it consistently.
Give your readers something interesting, useful, perhaps a little entertaining. Try to anticipate what problems they may face, like the difference between an S corp and LLC; what the new distracted driving laws mean; how to avoid [pick your danger]; what to do when you’re pulled over, etc.
Compelling content should be your standard, whatever email you send. Examples of email marketing include a monthly newsletter with articles or periodic videos describing changes to the law. Discussing a significant case you’ve won is also acceptable, however make sure that every article somehow relates to the interests or needs of your readers. For example, say your client’s personal-injury award had been reduced by 30% because he was speeding. You may want to start the article discussing the importance of heeding the speed limit, then go into the specifics of your case as an example.
Nurture and education are the building blocks of trust and the by-products of email marketing. Dole these out on a regular basis and your referrals will grow over time.